Friday 19 July 2013

Vanilla Sponge with Raspberry Creme

I made a cake in case you did not get that from the title of this post!
It was a vanilla sponge with raspberry creme layered cake!

Baking the two layers of vanilla sponge! I wish our oven had a light, I had to open the oven to snap a picture of my cakes baking. I've taken enough physics to know that when one opens the oven, hot air comes rushing out. Oppps!

There's my raspberry creme, I'm whipping up! It wasn't too hard. I searched for a while to find an cake topping recipe that did not include any fat products like butter or lard, which so many of them do. It was worth the time though to find this one consisting of only raspberry jam, sugar, and milk. If I make it again I would use powdered sugar rather than brown sugar. The recipe didn't specify, so I simply used what we had in the house.

Here's the cake in progress!
That's the first layer on the left with the middle layer on top, before I put the second layer of sponge cake on top. 
And voila!
On the right is the finished masterpiece! It almost looks too good to eat.
Well almost . . .

Yummy cake!
Food tastes so good when you make it yourself. It is so fulfilling to work hard to make food, then be able to share it and enjoy it with others! 

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