Sunday 7 July 2013

Some Renewed Faith in Humanity

With headlines being what they are today, it's easy to get wrapped up in all that sad, depressing, and upsetting news about the world we live in. But every so often, we come across things that restore our faith in humanity. And I just wanted to share two examples that I have come across in the past few days, because we all need to have a bit more faith in the good nature of mankind.

The first is a film I watched with my roommate called Craigslist Joe

It is a documentary that came out last year about a man who goes on a journey for 31 days with just the clothes on his back, a laptop, and his phone. He has no money and no food, instead he relies on the good nature of mankind through offers on Craigslist to help him survive. Craigslist is the equivalent of a giant flea market just online. There are many different advertisements of items for sale and discussion forms on a variety of subjects. Every month more than 40 million new classifieds and more 2 million jobs posted on this site, making it one of the top 10 Internet sites in America today.
There is so much more in this film than the underlying goodness in humanity, it also touches on the recovery of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the real life effects of America's presence in Iraq, the struggles of Americans every day to make ends meet, and lots more. It truly is a film we should all see in our lifetime, especially as we are coming out of the recession and the future is so uncertain.

The second is a short film which a friend posted on Facebook.

It's less than 13 minutes long, but it tells a story that words simply cannot describe.
Its the tale of two young men, seniors in high school one of whom is legally blind and the other had both of his legs amputated one below the knee and the other at the hip. Being wrestling partners brought the two of them together, forging a bond as close as brothers. 

Leroy Sutton lost his legs in a train accident when he was 11. And Dartanyon Crockett was born with Leber's disease, a condition that causes vision loss leaving him severely nearsighted.
But neither of them have let their setbacks stop them.
Their forged story is amazing!
I have so much respect for them.
It is defiantly worth a watch!

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