Saturday 27 July 2013

Surrounded by Phragmites and Covered in Foul-Smelling Marsh

I've been with Phragmites all week! Lots of one-on-one Phrag time! I've found myself in the middle of dense Phrag patches several times. It is a weird feeling to be surrounded by Phrag and not be able to see anything else, especially the narrow boardwalk I am supposed to be following.

I've fallen off the narrow path several times in the past few days.  I wear rubber boots when I'm out in the field and not at the chambers, so when I fall off the path and sink into the muddy marsh, my boot fills up. This sock was white when I put it on. It is now covered in marsh, as is the rest of my leg! I drove back to SERC barefoot because of it. And the government truck smells very marshy now!

But Phragmites is beautiful too! 
Look at that pretty Spartina cynosuroides flower surrounded by Phragmites against the blue sky with small puffy clouds in the background. Spartina cynosuroides is a another plant that grows in marshes, its a relative of Phragmites.
I will miss the marsh after this summer is over.
But I plan on returning during the school semester to continue a few research projects. 

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