Tuesday 9 July 2013

DC Adventures Part 2 : Flemish art at the National Gallery of Art

The entrance of the West Building that we went in had these majestic marble stairs! I felt very fancy walking up them! The hallways opened up into this atrium with nymph statue surrounded by pillars leading up to a skylight. It's so peaceful and serene!

I don't like to describe art for other people, instead I would rather let everyone come to their own conclusions about how to interpret art. So I'm just going to post some of the art that I thought was quite nice! The first large exhibit we went to was Flemish art.

The Muses Urania and Calliope by Simon Vouet
St George and the Dragon
The Finding of Moses by Sebastien Boudon

Still Life with Grapes and Game by Frans Snyders

David in the Lion's Den by Sir Peter Paul Rubens
Lucretia by Rembrandt van Rijn

Still Life with Flowers and Fruit by Jan van Huysum
Workmen Before an Inn by Isack van Ostade

A Snowy Landscape by Aert van see Neer

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