Tuesday 30 July 2013

"Think of all of the beauty still left around you and be happy" - Anne Frank

Several of my friends at SERC are coming down to their last few weeks here. It's made me realize how fast the summer has gone by. It's true I have over four and a half weeks left here, but those weeks will fly by just like the past eight have. Therefore in that train of thought I have come to value the environment i have here, not only the academic and research environment, but also the acres of nature I am surrounded by.

So these past few days, I've been taking the scenic routes and stopping to enjoy the view as often as I can. As a race, humankind does not appreciate the beauty of nature enough. We are surrounded by nature all the time, so take a moment to enjoy what we have!
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever!

A few very light pink flowers hiding amongst the grasses on the side of a trail.
You can even see that there's even a bug in one of them if you look close enough.

A few yellow and black butterflies on the purple flowers outside the admin building on SERC main campus this evening.

Hopefully I will have more pictures of the beauty around me to share with y'all soon!

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