Thursday 4 July 2013

Happy 4th of July Annapolis Style Part 1 : The Pre Parade

Happy Fourth of July!!!  I did so many things and took so many pictures today, that the only way to make it manageable is to split the day into at least three parts, which will each be separate posts. Right now I think it will be one post for before the parade, the parade itself, and the fireworks! 

So before the parade, here we go!

The morning started late. Because today is a federal holiday, I did not have to go to work. So, I ignored texts on my phone at 9am, I ignored my alarm at 9:30am, then finally decided to get up around 11am. It felt like the weekend, so I took my time with breakfast. I made some scrambled eggs with provolone cheese, turkey, green peppers, and onions. Delicious and the prefect way to start my morning, well it was almost afternoon by that point since I slept away the morning.

By mid afternoon we had decided to go into Annapolis to see the parade and watch the fireworks. It took us a while to concrete down plans. But we got there eventually! One of the first things I saw after crossing over the bridge into Annapolis was this memorial in the middle of a round-a-bout. Its the Maryland Fallen Fire Rescue Services Memorial.
This main statue has lots of significance. Each part of it symbolizes a large concept. It is entitled "Between Morning and Night" The firefighter and EMS provider are on the stairs to heaven, as they depart from this world while serving the greater community represented by the three characters below the stairs. There are seven stairs, for each day of the week because fire and rescue go to work each day, not knowing which day will be their last. The community is saying goodbye to the fallen heroes. The elderly man with the passing on the wisdom of grief and purpose, while the mother morns the loss of her child, then the child represents the future offering support, compassion, and service in the future. There is room for the public to step in and be a part of the sculpture too.

Annapolis is a quaint city right on the water, with a small town feeling while also being the capital of Maryland. There's a Main Street with lost of little shops selling just about everything. While just down the road is the mouth of the Severn River, a tributary to Chesapeake Bay. There's a little park with a small dock into the water where lots of yachts and smaller boats were anchored. It was quite lovely to see.

It was nearing diner time, so we decided to get some diner before the parade. 

Sushi and ice cream!
There are very few things that compare to the deliciousness of these two things in one meal!
A California roll and a salmon roll! Every time I have sushi, I recall how much I love it! 
And of course I had ice cream after at a little shop across the street. Coffee chocolate chip and raspberry chocolate chip. Scrumptious!

And the advent of ice cream also brings the coming of the Fourth of July parade which has lots of pictures. I will discuss in the next post! To be continued. Stay tuned!

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