Saturday 8 June 2013

“Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers.” ― William Shakespeare

I've certainly been eating well and in a delicious fashion while I've been here at SERC and these past two days are no exception! It seems like I've been cooking all the time!

Diner yesterday was another vegetarian meal, which was again quite good! There was peanut noodles with carrots and cucumber, then a side of stir fried vegetables and tofu. I'm not a tofu person, but the stir fried red and green peppers, broccoli, onions, and carrots were delicious. I must admit I had my doubts about the peanut noodles; however, it was better than I expected, it was great! having vegetarians in the house means that I'm learning so many new ways to cook vegetables, so many more than I ever expected.

Today is Saturday! It's the weekend! The weekend means no work, so I can sleep in late and take my time making breakfast.Thus this morning, I woke up at 9:30am, took a long lazy shower, then made my way in the kitchen. I went shopping yesterday after work, so I had lots of food to choose and experiment with. I made an omelet and put some green pepper and onions in with my eggs, then cooked some sausage with it. Sausage! That's some good meat, a great way to start off my morning! And I made it all! That's the theme of today: I'm cooking all my meals today, get ready for some deliciousness ahead!

I used some more of the green pepper and onion for lunch. And I experimented with the variety of herbs in our cupboard. I made some pasta with green and red peppers and onions, then topped it off with a nice sprinkling of oregano, chili peppers, and basil. I think I put a bit too much oregano on it, yet it was still good! I have come to discover that cooking involves a lot of experimenting to see what works, so I know how to adjust for next time. I'm understanding why scientists like to cook, because experimental science is very similar to cooking. Cooking is the scientific method based in the kitchen: looking at past recipes, designing my own, then trial and error, which will all lead to more recipes. And I cannot wait to do more recipes with these same herbs and more extravagant ones! There are so many things I have not tried yet, now is the time to try it, especially because trying to cook it will make the experience even better.

The last meal of the day is diner! An ultimate summation of the rest of the day.
Get ready for a mouthwatering meal . . . ! 

I made sweet and sour chicken and rice! I had been craving good Asian food this past week, so I thought why not try to make some myself, and it was a great success! We take turns organizing a meal here at the Green Village. I found the recipe online, bought the ingredients necessary, and got started with a few of the housemates who are still here over the weekend. Together we sliced the green peppers, the red peppers, the onions, and the chicken. We cooked it all, the kitchen smelt so good! Once it began to reduce, we added the pineapple, the pineapple juice, the brown sugar, the vinegar, and the chicken stock. Look at it simmering on the stove! We added a cornstarch and water mixture to thicken it up. The cornstarch thickened it up instantly, I was amazed! Adding the sweet and sour chicken to rice we made in a rice cooker, and diner was served. It was scrumptious! Perhaps I am biased as the cook, but the other housemates said it was great as well and there was none left after second helpings were served too!

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