Sunday 30 June 2013

Coming home to Bryn Mawr

I'm writing this post on the Amtrak train back to Maryland after spending a wonderful 32 hours at Bryn Mawr with dear friends.

  The adventure began on Friday evening, in the wake of this beautiful sunset following an afternoon thunderstorm. I'd never taken an Amtrak train before, so it was all new to me. Compared to the wide openness of Texas, the Northeast is so compact making it easy to travel up and down.


After a rather bumpy, but relatively short train ride, I arrived at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia, where I caught a local SEPTA train that would take me out to Bryn Mawr. And surprisingly, SEPTA was on time for once! I guess the train god knew I did not want to waste any of the short amount of time I had.

The whole weekend went by so fast, but I know I loved and cherished every minute of it!
Surrounded by friends, on our gorgeous campus, in perfect weather, I truly could not have asked for a more lovely weekend!
Bryn Mawr is beautiful in all seasons, and it did not disappoint this weekend. All the Gothic architecture looked magnificent against the cloudless, blue sky and next to all the trees awash in healthy green leaves.
Perhaps Athena had a hand in making the weekend wonderful!

I made a chocolate tart with a chocolate chip cookie crust!!!
With rainbow sprinkles! 
It was very delicious!
So much chocolate ganache!
I am really starting to enjoy baking and cooking.
The baking process is so relaxing.
And the results are so good to eat and share!

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