Sunday 9 June 2013

“There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.” ― James Carroll

Another lazy morning!
It was a late night and thus a late morning!
I eventually rolled out of bed after ignoring my alarm. For breakfast (or more like brunch), I made a delicious breakfast sandwich! It had sausage links, egg, and provolone cheese on toasted bread! It a little sprinkling of salt and pepper made it just perfect. Now if only I could wake up to that every morning, life would be great. But I don't have the time during the week to cook breakfast before I go into work. So in the morning, I usually have to please my breakfast cravings with cereal, yogurt, and fruit.

After brunch, I watched Up. I had been meaning to see that film for a while because everyone gave it such great reviews. It was adorable! Because I have a little sister who keeps me young, I have a soft spot for animation films, and Pixar did not disappoint with Up. A very sweet plot combined with beautiful artistic animation skills, and a stunning musical soundtrack, made the film lovely!

Having been indoors since I woke, I decided to get out and spend a few hours outside in nature on a bike! My derriere was still sore from the bike ride yesterday, but once I got started my attention was definitely diverted to the beautiful scenery around me. The dense forest, the rolling hills, the wide open spaces: there's a great variety to the landscape out here, but it is all beautiful. It is so different from Houston or Philadelphia, both big concrete jungles created by humans. Nature is free and wild, so gorgeous!

I not only saw a lot of plants and trees, but I also saw some animals on my bike ride. There was this little silvery grey snake in middle of the road, that I almost rode over. I stopped by my research lab on my ride and saw Ras, the lab site cat. Ras is short for Rodent Abatement System. His job is to keep the muskrats away because there was a time last year when the muskrats ate through the roots of the plants in one of the chambers, completely ruining the experiment. Ras has been on the site longer than anyone else, but has only recently been recruited to scare away the muskrats, and we haven't had any more major problems with muskrats, so he must be doing his job.

On my way back from the research site, I stopped at a farm on a little side street. There were two horses, a brown one and a white one just outside their stable.  There stable was surrounded by fields, hills, and pastures. Those horses are living a life of luxury. I will have to stop by with carrots or sugar cubes some time, but they seemed a bit weary, so it may take a while for them to warm up to me.

After my over two hour bike ride, I finally made it back to the Green Village, this little blue house where I am living this summer. Diner preparation had already started by the time I came back, so it was severed soon after my return. It was homemade mac-and-cheese and zucchini fries. The mac-and-cheese used lots of mozerella and cheedar cheese, it was delicious. I usually do not like mac-and-cheese, but this one was prepared differently than usual. The zucchini fries were baked with bread crumbs. A good healthy version to traditional fries.

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