Sunday 23 June 2013

Live it up like it's the weekend!

It is only the weekend once a week.
So when it is the weekend, it's a time to have lots of fun as well as relaxing.

My previous post was all about the PA Dutch Amish Market in Annapolis, which I went to Saturday morning. Then in the afternoon, a group of us went kayaking on the river. We kayaked over to a boat moored in the middle of the river, then meandered over to GCrew, my field research site, where I gave my roommate a tour. At GCrew, we left the kayaks tied to a rope on the docks, in order to get back into them, we had to jump down. I managed to flip my kayak not just once, but twice as I flipped it over again when I tried to get back into it. Thankfully the water was shallow, but the bottom was very muddy!

Diner was interesting to say the least. We had just gone grocery shopping, the only thing I bought was cereal because I'd forgotten it last time. So when we got back from the store, I had cereal and sliced cherries for diner. Then my roommate made lentil soup. It had a bowl and it was great! I like sop to have only a little bit of broth, so it was fabulous that there was lots of vegetables.

Saturday night was the night of the Supermoon!The moon was 13.5 percent closer to Earth than usual on Saturday night, an event that happens only once every two years.
At SERC it was really big and low in the sky during the early evening hours as we drove back from the grocery store; however, I didn't snap a picture of it then. After dark, we went down to the dock to see the moon reflecting and sparkling off the water. This picture really does not give the moon's majestic beauty justice, but it's a little glimpse at how beautiful it was last night!

After returning from the dock, I decided to do a bit of late night baking. My goal for this weekend was to make lemon bars, so that's what I did late on Saturday night. They turned out quite good! Very lemony, just how I like them! Perhaps next time I will experiment with a graham cracker crust, or with a lime filling instead of lemon.

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