Friday 21 June 2013

"I am not a glutton, I am an explorer of food" - Erma Bombeck

I haven't been updating my blog consistently these past few days, so I apologize!  Lots of hours in the field as well as going for a run or a bike ride everyday after work has made me too exhausted to write a blog post each night. But I am going to try to catch up this weekend in between doing more research work, kayaking, and baking!

In case the title was not a clue, this whole post is focused on food!

Diner on Wednesday night was one of adjustments. I knew I wanted some meat, and I had some chicken. But then the big decison came as to how to prepare the chicken. The taste of grilled chicken appealed to me, yet I did not want to trek upstairs to use the actual grill, so I attempted to do it on a stove top in a saucepan. After some time, it eventually worked, but I had to cut the chicken into smaller pieces so they would all cook throughly. Once, I did that, the idea to put it into a sandwich was born. In that same moment, I decided to fry some eggs as well. My diner began to morph into a chicken, egg, pepper, and carrot sandwich, which I gave a generous side of salad.

Thursday was a hectic full day in the field. So when a house mate decided to go out for pizza, I jumped on board. Besides, I needed groceries too. So, there was no cooking on Thursday. Just yummy vegetable pizza with goat cheese. It looked too good to snap a picture of before I dove in! My apologies.

Today, I did not want to cook any meat. As much as I love meat, it is Friday, and it has been a long day, so I wanted a scrumptious meal that would be easy to make. So, I pulled out some pasta, vegetables, and salad. The vegetables I chose to use were green peppers, onions, carrots, and scallions. I cooked the pasta in its pot with boiling water, while in a separate pan cooked the vegetables to extract their flavour. After the vegetables were cooked, I turned down the heat, then added the marinara pasta sauce to warm it up and to integrate it with the vegetables. I put the pasta in a big glass dish, topped it with the vegetables and sauce, then a little bit of cheese I grated to finish it all off. I made lots, so I put a bit of the primavera pasta with a salad and put the rest of the pasta in the fridge to eat later this weekend.

I'm feeling adventurous with my newly acquired cooking and baking skills. So I've been trying different things, and stepping out of my comfort zone to experiment with foods. This weekend, I will continue that trend by making some lemon bars! I love the tart sweetness of lemon bars! Thus, making my own will be a very rewarding experience, if all goes well.
I'll keep you informed!

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