Sunday 16 June 2013

A Total Foodie Post

This post is, as the title implies, going to be all about FOOD !!!

Yesterday, before I spent the day crabbing on Chesapeake Bay, I made a delicious breakfast. Mushrooms are definitely one of my favourite ingredients right now. I toasted a piece of bread, put a fried egg on top, then completed it with some sliced and cooked mushrooms. There was also a few extra mushrooms on the side. Paired with a bowl of cereal, that was a perfect breakfast!

I had a picnic lunch, in between crab sampling, on a grassy peninsula on Chesapeake Bay, surrounded by yachts!
Diner was scrumptious! Sweet potatoes are a magical vegetable, filled with beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, manganese, and potassium. So it has definitely become a vegetable that I always have in the fridge. But last night, I wanted to do something with sweet potatoes that was different than sweet potato fries. Turning to the Internet with its plethora of online cookbooks, I soon found an intriguing recipe: apple and sweet potato hash browns. Glancing over the ingredients and instructions, it seemed easy enough. Cooking sweet potato with apples and onions, may seem strange, but it turned out well. Although next time, changing the recipe slightly, I would mince the sweet potato and apples not cut them into slices. But nevertheless, it made a great side to my Caesar salad with croutons and Parmesan cheese.

A house mate from upstairs made the comment last night that we are always cooking, and we usually are. We all pitch in and help each other out. So, when someone on my hall wanted to make a cake last night, everyone who was here contributed. And all of our hard work turned into a wonderful vanilla cake with vanilla frosting! It was fantastic! And making it with friends made it even better!
After spending a lot of yesterday in the sun, I was tired today, and woke up late. It was brunch time, by the time I rolled out of bed. For brunch, I made a cheese and sausage sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread. I'm trying to eat more whole grains this summer, and less processed foods. I was going to put my eggs and mushrooms into my sandwich, but my eggs would not cooperate this morning, so they sat on the side with the mushrooms.

Just looking at all these foods, that I made this weekend, really makes me think about all the things I've learned in my two weeks here at SERC. Of course, I've learned a lot through my research, but I've also learned more than that. I've learned how to cook and bake, I've learned how to kayak, I've learned how to identify a variety of plants and animals around here, I've learned about the different cultures and backgrounds of the people I live with in the Green Village. It's amazing what two weeks living together in a pretty isolated place can teach you!

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