Thursday 13 June 2013

Marshian Sails

I forgot to make a post yesterday. So here's a short one.

I spent the morning in the field taking weekly measurements of the Phragmites stems in the chambers. It surprising how fast they can grow in just a week! One of them grew 71cm, another grew 64cm, and many grew over 30cm! The picture to the right is one of the chambers. The yellow flags mark stems from last year (i.e. last growing season), while the blue flags are stems from this year. Each of the stems are numbered. I put white rings on the stems from this year too, because the blue flags began to be confusing in chambers with lots of dense plant
growth. In order to measure the stems, I have to remove the panels on one side of the chamber. It was rather windy, so carrying metal frames with plastic was difficult. It was like carrying giant sails in the middle of a marsh! Especially because the boardwalk is very narrow. Only one person can pass by at a time. That took all morning, then in the afternoon, I put the data I collected into an Excel and transcribed my notes from my field notebook into my official notebook.

Diner was another mix of things!
It's the end of the week, no judging!
There was a breakfast sandwich because I wanted eggs and sausage, then had some bread. There was some sweet potato fries, simply because I had a sweet potato I needed to use up. And there was a bowl of some left over rice, chicken, pineapple, green pepper from the night before.
It was a random combination, but I was hungry!
And it was good!
Diner is becoming my favourite meal here, because I can just make what ever I want and take my time with it!

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