Tuesday 18 June 2013

Just a giraffe with sunglasses in the rain!

Let's start with a little fashion blurb!
But be warned, I have a quirky fashion sense. Here's my Marshian wear today, my attire for field research:
- My Bryn Mawr crew hat, because I love my crew ladies and the hat is lightweight enough to not be a bother, yet strong enough to do it's job.
- Sunglasses, not because it was sunny, but rather so the tall Phragmites do not poke me in the eyes.
- A rain jacket, because there was lots of rain on the forecast, but field research occurs rain or shine.
- A short sleeved shirt, because it was quite humid with the impending thunderstorm. And everyone needs a giraffe with neon sunglasses on a bright pink shirt!
- Long pants, because purple is a fabulous colour and the Phragmites are getting sharp as they mature throughout the summer growing season.
- Rubber field boots, because the tide was coming in, flooding the low lying marsh and muskrat holes. And if lightening did strike with the impending thunderstorm, then the rubber soles would be very useful!

As I mentioned previously, there was lots of rain on the forecast for today. But flux chambers had to be set-up and measurements taken, rain or shine! The chambers, made out of plastic screening, metal, and rubber sealant, were placed over the plants, the secured with pressured clips to the collars. There were three different transect lines: all native plants, all invasive Phragmites, and a mixture of both native and invasive from along the invasion edge. Then once the chambers were secured on a plot, an initial gas measurement was taken. The gas being tested is methane. Methane concentrations were taken five times, every 30 minutes, including the initial sample taken.

I had a desire to make a yummy and creative lunch today, so that's exactly what I did! I toasted some whole grain bread, until the cheese on top melted and the bread started to brown. Then added meat, carrots, and green peppers. I love having time for lunch, but I usually don't have the time to do anything fancy, so today was a special treat.

I also spent some time on diner. I was craving some good grilled chicken. So that's what I did! But with the rain, I couldn't go out and barbeque the chicken like I really wanted to, so a stove top had to suffice. I cooked the chicken with mushrooms and onions, so the chicken had a nice flavouring. I topped a batch of sweet spicy sweet potatoes with the chicken, mushrooms, and onions. Then put some carrots with a nice Italian dressing on the side. It was a fabulous combination of vegetables and meat!

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