Tuesday 6 August 2013

Great Falls Park, Virginia

 This past Saturday, we went to Great Falls Park. It is on the Virginia-Maryland border, with parts of the park in both states split by the Potomac River. Many of the interns are leaving at the end of this week, so we did a fun road trip to make lots of memories in their last weekend.
Even though the day was cloudy, and began to sprinkle later in the day, the view was amazing! These are from the first lookout over the
Potomac and the falls. While we were there, some folks in kayaks went over the falls. It was exhilarating watching them approach the waterfall, fly over, then fly under the water, where for a split second we didn't know if they would come back up. But they both did, a few seconds later and a few meters downstream. I've always loved adventure, and I'll admit seeing them go over the falls made me really want to be in a kayak right along side them. However, I didn't have any of the equipment for it with me, perhaps another day. Though I did climb over the barrier to get this great picture of me on edge of the rocks with the falls in the background!

Further down the trail were more lookout points of the falls and of the river downstream. It was all very beautiful!

There's something very calming about being one with nature with the sound of water rushing by. On the top of one of the cliffs we climbed, some of us decided to mediate. I'm not very good at clearing my mind, so meditation is hard for me. I usually end up falling asleep before I reach the zen state and see colors. But some of my friends are good at it. So they meditated for a bit on the rock overlooking the river.

I've been told I should have more pictures of me on my blog, since it is about my adventures. So here's a few. On the left are my two friends Stephanie and Byanjana, and myself at the first overlook of the falls. On the right is me sitting on the rocks next to the Potomac River staring off into the water being contemplative. Thanks to my friend Wes for taking these shots of me!

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