Monday 13 January 2014

Re-Exploring the SERC Trails

 One of the parts about SERC that I've missed the most other than the people and my research, are the trails! I love to run and the trails around here are simply fabulous to explore! With gorgeous scenery too! Time to go exploring again!

Of course, I couldn't run by wintery marshes full of Phragmites without snapping a few pictures! I love the color contrast between the sky and the dead Phragmites. But have no fear the Phrag will be back in the spring, never fear! 

Continuing down the trail took me to the water's edge before I looped around. There's a set of wood stairs down to a tiny beach. The water is not crystal clear, but I think it's clearer than it looks because the sandy bottom murks it.

And my favorite part of the SERC is the Connection Trail of the Java Trail. It twists and turns through the forest, with a gorgeous view of the water.

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