Monday 9 June 2014

Oodles of Food

So I've been not the best at keeping this blog updated. Apologies for such. I'm going to make up for it by making this post all about food. Since people have told me they love reading about all the different foods I cook. In fact apparently some people only follow this blog for the food, so here we go!

At the beginning of last week I made a chicken, rice, and vegetable bake. It was a repeat of one that I made at the end of last summer. I made it firstly because it turned out so well last time, and secondly because it's a big dish it leaves me with several meals worth of food. Plus it's super easy to throw some rice, vegetables, and chicken in the oven for over an hour while I go do something else. The oven dings, and dinner is ready to be served. Easy and delicious! You can see the recipe for the chicken, vegetable, rice bake on the post from last summer by clicking here.

The other night, my roommate Shelby and I made a joint dinner. I made the sweet potato fries and she did the turkey bacon and eggs. It was sort of like breakfast for dinner - good life choices because eggs and sweet potatoes are delicious! It almost looks like a smiley face of eggs and turkey bacon in the frying pan!

A few days ago, I went into Annapolis with my friend Hope. We are both returning interns from last summer and we both love Phragmites! As a way to relax for the evening, we got Thai at Lemon Grass - a scrumptious Thai fusion place in a cute little neighborhood of Annapolis. We got two big plates of food expecting to bring home leftovers, but we were both more hungry than we thought and the food was amazing!

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