Saturday 31 May 2014

Back to SERC for the summer field season

After two flights, two trains, and a car ride back to the East Coast, I'm in Maryland. I'm back at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) for the summer, 12 weeks of fun field season! 
The first night I made a pasta primavera with Ben, a housemate in Green Village with me. We cooked the pasta, some onion, green pepper, carrots, and a tad of pasta sauce. We both liked lots of veggies - more veggies than sauce is definitely the way to go! I put some mozerella cheese on top of mine. I put it on right after putting it in a bowl, so it melted into a delicious gooey top!

A few of the other housemates grilled veggies and meat, so we had the outside grill already warm. After dinner, we made s'mores! On a grill! We grabbed utensils from the kitchen like forks, spatulas, and tongs on which to place the marshmallows. Even though the process was a bit unusual, they still turned out to be good marshmallows! A good dessert to end the day and to start a marsh filled field season! Marsh-mallows!

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