Sunday 24 November 2013

Back to the marsh-y homeland

This post is a few weeks late.
But better late than never!

I was back at SERC on November 2nd. It was a gorgeous crisp fall day! I set out in the early hours of the morning and spent most of the drive there in the dark. The sun had been up for just a wee bit by the time I got to SERC. Here's the sunrise over the long-term tree project! Beautiful!

 The Phragmites looked stunning in the early morning sunlight, even their dead stalked looked pretty in the fall weather!

The panels were off the chambers. They are taken off at the end of the growing season, usually at the end of October. It was much easier to access the plants within the chambers without the panels on! I didn't spend hours taking panels on and off, I just came took height measurements and was done.

Well I wasn't quite done because I lingered in the marsh for a while after I was done with the scientific research part, just appreciating the beauty of the marsh. The marsh in the fall is very different than the marsh in the summer! Yet fabulous in its own special way! I can't wait to see the marsh in other seasons. I'll be back at SERC in January, so I'll see it in the dead of winter then.

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