Monday, 2 September 2013

It's not goodbye, it's only until next time

Last Thursday, I presented my summer finding during a seminar in front of many members of the scientific community at SERC. My seminar presenation was entitled "Physiological and morphological effects of anthropogenic climate change on Phragmites australis" I'll admit I was nervous in the days preceding the presentation, but two days before I had fabulous epiphany, which brought it all together. Once I had that epiphany, I knew what I needed to do, and did it. A successful seminar, if I may say so myself! That seminar was the summation of 13 weeks at SERC. It was thoroughly enjoyed summer filled with adventures and learning in so many dimensions with some really great people!
I loved every moment of it!

I left SERC Friday evening. Because SERC is an official government research site owned by the Smithsonian there was paperwork needed to leave. I filled out so much paperwork just to come here, that of course, I needed paperwork to be allowed to leave. There was paperwork which required several administrative signatures as well as the PI (Principal Investigator) of my lab. I also had to return my keys, all four of them. And my government issued ID, which came with so many perks.  Alas every good thing must come to an end. But its not goodbye, I'll be back at SERC some time in the near future. It's only goodbye until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nia! I wanted to ask you about a photo you posted on your Road of Life Site -- a BMC photo on Lantern night. Could you email me? Thanks! Yona
